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EZ Mak is a rapper from Poland living in South Wales, UK. He has been through a lot which inspires him to make more music and work hard to make sure he doesn't end up in the position that he was in before he started making music.

Kamil Helminiak is a 18 year old rapper who likes to express himself through music. Since a young age he always wanted to become something, never knew what it was but he always felt like he needs to reach out to people.


He made up the name EZ Mak in 2014 when he first started rapping, he saw on the internet that in some language or culture EZ means anything is possible and Mak is just the first 3 letters of his name backwards.. Kam - Mak.


He has 4 years of experience in music so far and has seen and learned a lot. in battling he is currently 2-0. He has performed all over south wales, been on a couple of radio shows in the UK and in the US and has built himself a fanbase which he calls EZ team and is really proud of what he has accomplished.



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